Multi-User Editing

DecisionsFirst Modeler is designed to support multiple users and collaboration.
While features like comments, collaborator lists and My Collaboration Alerts all help you see who is working on the same part of the database, sometimes you end up working on the same thing at the same time.
If you are working on a decision diagram and someone else is also editing it, you will receive a warning that there's another user working in the diagram. There's no problem with this, but it's useful to know you are not alone as you look at a diagram.
When someone changes a diagram you are viewing you will get a notification, telling you who changed the diagram. Their changes will be reflected on your diagram at the same time.
If you then make a change, their screen will show your name and will update with your change.
In this way your diagrams will stay synchronized even as you both edit.
This works for objects too.
If you have an object open for edit and someone else changes it DecisionsFirst Modeler will let you know who changed it and will update the relevant properties or associations on your object.
Even if someone changes an object you are not editing, if it is listed on your screen (because it is associated with the object you are editing), DecisionsFirst Modeler will let you know and manage the update.
While this will keep your database coordinated even as multiple people edit, it's still a good idea to talk to the other users when you realize you are editing the same object!